Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Tips on Tiptoeing back onto the dating scene Part-4.

Both parties should understand what the date is to entail. An invitation to go out to dinner does not mean having a picnic in the park. And different restaurants imply different attire, so mention the restaurant by name when planning a date. An outfit just right for Jerry's Wild Irish Saloon would likely be inappropriate for dinner at the Ritz. Being under- or over-dressed can be embarrassing. And whoever does the inviting should plan to do the paying. On subsequent dates you might want to trade off on expenses. Talk about it. Finances are part of your reality, so be up front about what you can – and can't – afford.

And don't feel you have to stick by the old dating standard of dinner and a movie. Be creative, if moderately so. Cliff climbing is a bit extreme for a first time out. But viewing a gallery opening and reception for a local artist might be just the thing. Or taking in a comedy production by a nearby repertory company (nothing too heavy until you know your date's likes and dislikes) could precede cocktails or coffee at a café.

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